Healing Cove

What happy people know

Jul 12, 2024

What makes people happy? 

In the years I’ve been working with clients and their subconscious minds I’ve been blessed enough to see lots of before and afters. 

I’ve seen people walk in feeling like they are being pushed down by life, miserable and useless. 

And I’ve seen those same people come out feeling like they can fly. Like they just took a shower that removed all the junk away from their souls. 

And here is what I’ve found is the difference:

1.They stop asking what makes people happy. They’ve simply learned to be happy. They’ve learned to find deep gratitude in all areas of their lives. Even when they have bad days, even when life intervenes with their plans… they always remember the bigger picture.

2.They release control to God. Most people are miserable because there is a huge disconnect between something they want and how far they are from getting it. And that becomes their focus. How do I get it? How do I become worthy of getting it? How do I become better? How do I get what they have? 

And as long as someone is focused on what they don’t have and they keep worrying about HOW to get it, they are walking hand in hand with misery. People that release the HOW to God, get to experience the benefits of a stress-free life. When people learn to follow their intuition and truly do things from a place of curiosity, playfulness and faith live becomes 1000Xs easier.

3.They learn to reprogram their subconscious. Most people walk around with old programming given to them by their parents, siblings, teachers, ex-boyfriends etc. And depending on the type of people they were, that programming might not have been the best. 

Happy people realize that they have the free will to program their minds however they see fit. They realize that they don’t have to spend their entire lives believing what they were taught. 

They simply focus on what they do want to believe, they heal the parts of them telling them that can’t be true, and then they do the work that creates a blueprint in their brain to actually become the new person. 

That’s why more and more people are turning to hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy has an over 90% success rate because it doesn’t rely on what you think you can do. It relies on what you KNOW at a subconscious level is yours by birthright. 

Your subconscious knows what you are capable of. It knows your deepest fears and desires. It knows how to get you what you want. And when you learn to use it correctly, you become unstoppable. 

Want to experience the transformation for yourself? 

You can book your single issue(30 day) experience HERE 

Or book a 3 month transformation (90 day) package HERE


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